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Complesso Santa Chiara Nuova

The complex was built on land donated to the community of the Clarisse conventuals of Lodi by Martino Cassini
  • Art & Culture
Complesso Santa Chiara Nuova
79 mt

Palazzo Cadamosto

The palazzo was the home of the Cadamosto family
  • Art & Culture
Palazzo Cadamosto
127 mt

L’Ospedale Maggiore (entrata da via Agostino Bassi)

  • Art & Culture
L’Ospedale Maggiore (entrata da via Agostino Bassi)
210 mt

Palazzo Sommariva

  • Art & Culture
Palazzo Sommariva
220 mt

Palazzo Modignani - Ghisalberti

  • Art & Culture
Palazzo Modignani - Ghisalberti
244 mt

Complesso e Pia Casa di Ricovero Santa Chiara

  • Art & Culture
Complesso e Pia Casa di Ricovero Santa Chiara
247 mt

Palazzo Fissiraga

  • Art & Culture
Palazzo Fissiraga
284 mt

Chiesa di San Francesco

The church of San Francesco is one of the main Medieval monuments in the city of Lodi. It dates back to 1252.
  • Art & Culture
Chiesa di San Francesco
285 mt

Palazzo mozzanica

Also known as the Varesi palace, it is a historic building in the city of Lodi. Its construction dates back to the fifteenth century
  • Art & Culture
Palazzo Mozzanica
294 mt

Porta Cremona

  • Art & Culture
Porta Cremona
329 mt

Collegio San Francesco

The Museum of Natural Sciences, owned by the Barnabite Fathers, was founded in 1833 and offers a large collection of animal specimens.
  • Art & Culture
Collegio San Francesco
365 mt

Teatro alle Vigne

The Teatro alle Vigne became the Municipal Theatre in 1985
  • Musica e spettacolo
Teatro alle Vigne - Lodi
380 mt

Chiesa di Sant'Agnese

The church of Sant'Agnese was built in the XIV century, passing, in 1351, to the Order of Saint Augustine.
  • Art & Culture
Chiesa di Sant'Agnese
381 mt

Foresta di pianura

  • Active & Green
Foresta di pianura
382 mt

Santuario Santa Maria delle Grazie

  • Religious Tourism
Santuario Santa Maria delle Grazie
382 mt

Liceo P. Verri - Aula Magna

Founded as a convent it was handed over to the Benedictine nuns who built the church in 1588 (today's Aula Magna).
  • Art & Culture
Liceo P. Verri -  Aula Magna
403 mt

Palazzo Villani

  • Art & Culture
Palazzo Villani
443 mt

Piazza della vittoria in lodi

Known as Piazza Maggiore, it is the scenic city center since the municipal era and still today a lively meeting place
  • Art & Culture
Piazza della Vittoria in Lodi
447 mt

L’Ospedale Maggiore

  • Art & Culture
L’Ospedale Maggiore
454 mt

Duomo of Lodi

  • Religious Tourism
Duomo of Lodi
456 mt