• Religious Tourism
    • Villages

Castelli, ville e palazzi

Il territorio lodigiano si presenta ricco di testimonianze di storia, arte e cultura.

Nel lodigiano tutti da scoprire sono anche i castelli, i palazzi e le ville come per esempio Villa Biancardi a Zorlesco di Casalpusterlengo.

Raccolte d’arte e musei custodiscono infine lo straordinario patrimonio artistico composto da opere di pittura, scultura e manufatti della ceramica artistica lodigiana conosciuta per il suo caratteristico decoro floreale.

Take me here: Castelli, ville e palazzi

See also

Bolognini castle

Bolognini Castle has been built in Sant'Angelo Lodigiano (LO), on the shore of the river Lambro; today it is home to three museum.
  • Art & Culture
Bolognini castle

Villa Litta Carini

La villa appare monumentale e grandiosa sia che la si raggiunga dal paese, sia che la si veda dal giardino arrivandoci dalla campagna
  • Art & Culture
 Villa Litta Carini

Villa Biancardi

Villa Biancardi venne fatta costruire da Serafino Biancardi
  • Art & Culture
Villa Biancardi Casalpusterlengo

Villa Trecchi

  • Art & Culture
Maleo Villa Trecchi

On the same topic

Churches Lodi

Discovering the places of worship of the Lodi area. To fill the spirit between faith and religious art
  • Religious Tourism
Churches Lodi, exploring Lombardy

From Maiano Sant'Angelo Lodigiano to Ca' de Mazzi

An alternative route for the Fourth Stage of the Monk’s Trail
  • Religious Tourism
From Maiano Sant'Angelo Lodigiano to Ca' de Mazzi

Orio Litta and the Via Francigena

An evocative route that combines nature, faith and art, to explore on foot or by bicycle.
  • Religious Tourism
Orio Litta and the Via Francigena

Corte Sant'Andrea and the Via Francigena

Follow the Via Francigena through Lodi to discover a world of history and tradition
  • Religious Tourism
Corte Sant'Andrea and the Via Francigena

The Saint Columbanus way

The Saint Columbanus way is the route that,crossing the entire area of Eastern Lombardy, once led to Bobbio
  • Religious Tourism
Cammino di San Colombano

The via Francigena

A road travelled for centuries by pilgrims, who headed South and made enormous sacrifices to reach the goal of the longed-for eternal city.
  • Religious Tourism
Via Francigena

Lodi, places of spirit

Lodi’s network of cycle paths has reached the formidable length of nearly 250 kilometres, making it a veritable paradise for lovers of slow tourism
  • Religious Tourism
Lodi luoghi dell'anima