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Lodi, places of spirit

So where should you go for a day trip?


Well, you could do far worse than the timeless Abbazia del Cerreto, situated just minutes from Lodi. From the green of the fields, on the outskirts of a tiny hamlet, rises the octagonal tower of the thousand-year old abbey, which is – quite remarkably – still complete.

All around, peace and silence reign supreme. It was here that Benedictine and Cistercian monks lived according to the mantra ora et labora – pray and work. As the water ponds dried up, the monks built irrigation channels. And their prayer and work were rewarded with the most fertile land in all of Europe.

It is a truly regenerative experience to lose yourself in such a spiritual space for a few hours. You can do so every second and fourth Sunday of the month from April to October, with the guide also taking you to the ancient Saline mill.

Info: turismolodi.it

Take me here: Lodi, places of spirit

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