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Bolognini castle

Bolognini Castle has been built in Sant'Angelo Lodigiano (LO), on the shore of the river Lambro; today it is home to three museum.
  • Art & Culture
Bolognini castle
5.88 km

Bolognini Castle and Museum

Discover Morando Bolognini, the first of the three Sant'Angelo Lodigiano Castle museums
  • Art & Culture
Bolognini Castle and Museum
6.1 km

The Bridge over the Adda

  • Art & Culture
The Bridge over the Adda
9.59 km

Remains of the ancient walls (war memorial) i

  • Art & Culture
Remains of the ancient walls (war memorial) i
12.86 km

Stargazing at the Observatory

  • Art & Culture
Tour to Mairago's observatory
13.56 km

Villa Braila Park and Library

There is a large green park in Lodi where you can walk, read and study surrounded by nature.
  • Active & Green
Villa Braila Park
14.26 km

Bipielle Center

  • Lifestyle
Bipielle Center
14.61 km

Foresta di pianura

  • Active & Green
Foresta di pianura
14.7 km

Santuario Santa Maria delle Grazie

  • Religious Tourism
Santuario Santa Maria delle Grazie
14.7 km

Porta Cremona

  • Art & Culture
Porta Cremona
14.74 km

Il Castello Visconteo

Built at the request of Emperor Frederick Barbarossa. The building currently houses the Police Headquarters
  • Art & Culture
Il Castello Visconteo
14.87 km

Chiesa di San Lorenzo

The Church of San Lorenzo was built in the Lombard Romanesque style and is the oldest church in Lodi, after the Cathedral.
  • Art & Culture
Chiesa di San Lorenzo
14.91 km

Palazzo Sommariva

  • Art & Culture
Palazzo Sommariva
14.94 km

Palazzo Villani

  • Art & Culture
Palazzo Villani
14.98 km

Chiesa di Sant'Agnese

The church of Sant'Agnese was built in the XIV century, passing, in 1351, to the Order of Saint Augustine.
  • Art & Culture
Chiesa di Sant'Agnese
14.99 km

Parco Naturale Adda Sud

This extends through the areas of Lodi and Cremona
  • Active & Green
Parco Naturale Adda Sud
15 km

Parco Adda Sud

  • Active & Green
Parco Adda Sud
15 km